Single-exposure data for DR5

The single exposure date for the general catalog in LAMOST DR5, including the data observed from October 2011 to June 2017, are released. Spectra in FITs format can be downloaded here. All files, in FITS format, are distributed in the sub-directories of DATE and PLANID, where DATE denotes the observation date and PLANID denotes the name of the observed plate. Spectrum of individual exposures in the same observation are wrapped in the same file. For example, file "20111024/F5902/" contains all the sub-exposure flux and the information of the first fiber of the first spectrograph in the planid of "F5902" taken on Oct 24th, 2011. The header of each file contains the information of the observation, the instruments and the data reduction, etc.

Each file contains 3 ASCII table extensions. The first extension contains the spectrum data structure, described as follows:
flux: flux, an array with the size of 4136*n, where n is the number of individual frame. Usually n is twice the number of exposures including the red and blue branch of the spectrum, but there are rare cases that one part of the spectrum fails, then users should reference color and mjm to know which part is lost. The flux is the photon counts per pixel.
invvar: invert variance, an array with the size of 4136*n.
loglam: log-lambda, an array with the size of 4136*n. The wavelengths are in vacuum scale and heliocentric frame.
pixelmask: pixel mask, an array with the size of 4136*n. Each element is an integer in the same usage as 'andmask' and 'ormask' described in the docoments of Data Release 7.
skyflux: subtracted sky flux, an array with the size of 4136*n.
fluxcorr: relative flux calibration curve, an array with the size of 4136*n.
mjm: the number of minutes elapsed from 0:00 Nov 17th 1858 Beijing time to the beginning of the exposure, an array with the size of n.
color: branch, b or r branch, an array with the size of n.
exptime: exposure duration time, an array with the size of n.
fibermask: fiber mask, an array with the size of n. Each element is an integer in the same usage as 'FIBERMAS' described in the docoments of Data Release 7.

The second and the third extensions contain information of arc lines in the blue and red branches, respectively. The arc line information is useful to determine the line profile caused by the instrument. The structure of each extension is:
line: the wavelength of used arc lamp lines, in angstrom
xarc: the pixel position of the line centers in the raw image, in pixel
width: the FWHM of the lines, in angstrom
inten: the intensity of the lines, in counts
werror: the wavelength error, in angstrom

In addition to the spectra data in FITS format, there are three catalogs: catalog of repeated observations, catalog of radial velocity (RV), catalog of spectral line equivalent width (EW). The catalogs can be queried here via web page, or downloaded from the links listed below.

Table description

The catalogue contains 3 tables: reobsstat (Sample, Full CSV) gives information of repeated observations of individual targets; sexprv (Sample, Full CSV) shows the RV of single exposure spectra, lineindices (Sample, Full CSV) shows the information of all spectral lines in single exposure spectra.

1. Table: reobsstat

Column Description Comment
gid unique source ID The targets within 3 arcsecond are considered to be the same source.
nobs number of co-added spectra  
nexp number of exposures  
tra right ascension, in degree This is the median value of right ascension in the input catalogue for this source.
tdec declination, in degree This is the median value of declination in the input catalogue for this source.
nrv number of RV measurements Only the RV obtained from the single exposure spectra is taken into account. RV from spectra with S/N ratio for both g band and i band less than 10, or nabsline (described in table sexprv) equal to 0 are not counted.
maxrvdif maximum difference of RV, in km/s Same as above.
rvmean average RV, in km/s Same as above.
rvsigma RV deviation, in km/s Same as above.
subclass sub-classification the most frequent subclass in DR5 general catalogue
teff efficient temperature, in K the median value of teff in DR5 parameter catalogue
logg surface gravity, in dex the median value of logg in DR5 parameter catalogue
feh metallicity, in dex the median value of feh in DR5 parameter catalogue

2. Table: sexprv

Column Description Comment
specid spectra ID Combination of obsdate, planid, spid and fiberid
obsdate date of the observation  
planid plan ID  
spid spectrograph ID, 01~16
fiberid fiber ID, 001~250
iexp exposure ID, 0~nexp  
mjm modified Julian minute mjm means the number of minutes elapsed from 0:00 Nov 17th 1858 Beijing time.
sng average S/N ratio of g band  
sni average S/N ratio of i band  
subclass sub-classification from DR5 general catalog  
rv RV, in km/s  
rverr error of RV, in km/s  
rvpa RV from DR5 parameter catalog, in km/s  
teff effective temperature from DR5 parameter catalog, in K
logg surface gravity from DR5 parameter catalog, in dex
feh metallicity from DR5 parameter catalog, in dex  
minchi2 minimum value of reduced χ2 between the spectrum and the template  
npix number of pixels involved in calculation Sky emission lines, telluric bands, DiB lines, and bands with low S/N are masked in calculation.
nabsline number of absorption lines in the spectrum  
fratio flux ratio to the stronger adjacent fiber The higher the value, the more likely the spectrum is polluted.
fratio_b same as above, but for blue branch only Same as above.
fratio_r same as above, but for red branch only Same as above.
obsid obsid in DR5 general catalog
designation designation Same as designation in DR5 general catalog.
gid unique source ID Same as gid in table reobsstat.
ra right ascension, in degree Same as ra in DR5 general catalog.
dec declination, in degree Same as dec in DR5 general catalog.
spec spectra ID in another format Same as the filename of co-added spectra, in format of 'spec-lmjd-planid-spspid-fiberid'.
filename file name of corresponding spectrum  

3. Table: lineindices

Each spectral line is fit by a Sérsic function if it is single, described as:

intensity, center, param_c and param_d give the values of the four parameters. If the line is blended, a combination of two Sérsic functions with different parameters is used, intensity, center, param_c and param_d give the parameters of the first component, and intensity1, center1, param_c1 and param_d1 give the parameters of the second. If the line is single, intensity1, center1, param_c1 and param_d1 are set to 0.
Column Description Comment
specid spectra ID Combination of obsdate, planid, spid and fiberid, same as specid in table sexprv.
iexp exposure ID, 0~nexp  
mjm modified Julian minute Same as mjm in table sexprv.
line line ID integer, round value of its rest wavelength in air, e.g. 6563
lambda rest wavelength in air, in angstrom  
x_min lower bound of fitting range, in angstrom  
x_max upper bound of fitting range, in angstrom  
blend mark of blend lines 1 for blend and 0 for single
intensity line intensity This is the intensity of normalized spectrum and is dimensionless. Together with the three following items are parameters of a single line or the first component if the line is blended.
center line center, in angstrom  
param_c parameter σ dimensionless
param_d parameter δ dimensionless
intensity1 line intensity of the 2nd component This is the intensity of normalized spectrum and is dimensionless. Together with the three following items are parameters of the second component if the line is blended. 0 means the line is single.
center1 line center of the 2nd component, in angstrom 0 means the line is single.
param_c1 parameter σ of the 2nd component dimensionless, 0 means the line is single.
param_d1 parameter δ of the 2nd component dimensionless, 0 means the line is single.
fwhm full width at half maximum, in angstrom  
fwhmerr error of FWHM, in angstrom  
few EW of fitted function, in angstrom  
fewerr error of FEW, in angstrom  
ew EW, in angstrom  
ewerr error of EW, in angstrom  
chi2 χ2 between spectra and fitted function  
cc correlation between spectra and fitted function  
obsid obsid in DR5 general catalog Same as obsid in table sexprv.
designation designation Same as designation in DR5 general catalog.
ra right ascension, in degree Same as ra in DR5 general catalog.
dec declination, in degree Same as dec in DR5 general catalog.
spec spectra ID in another format Same as spec in table sexprv.
gid unique source ID Same as gid in table reobsstat.

Query instance

The catalogs can be queried here via web page. Several keywords, listed as follows, can be used to join queries between different tables. obsid, ra, dec, designation can be used to join queries with DR5 catalogues.
    gid : a unique ID for each single target
    specid : a unique ID for each co-added spectrum. specid is organized by the combination of obsdate, planid, spid and fiberid.
    mjm : a unique time stamp to distinguish the different exposures.

If you want to query a large number of results, the best way is to download all the catalogues and then write your own programs. Alternatively, you can refer to the following examples to get the results you want.

■ Query the repeated observation of a target according to the coordinates.

    Select options in Position Constraints, then click Submit.

■ Query the targets who have more than 5 exposure times and the maximum change of RV greater than 10 km/s.

    In Position Constraints, select None. In Options, click Search only in this table of table reobsstat, set min of nexp to 5, min of maxrvdif to 10, then click Submit.

■ Query the targets who have more than 5 exposure times and the maximum RV change greater than 10 km/s and display their RV values.

    In Position Constraints, select None. In Options, set min of nexp to 5 and min of maxrvdif to 10 for table reobsstat, then click Submit.

■ Query the RV results according to the coordinates.

    Select options in Position Constraints, then click Search only in this table of table sexprv in Options. Click Submit.

■ Query EW of all lines for a given specid.

    Click Search only in this table of table lineindices in Options, then input your specid. Click Submit.

■ Query all emission Hα lines.

    Click Search only in this table of table lineindices in Options, set min of intensity to 0, then click Submit.


There are a few issues needed to be aware of when using the data.
First, the pollution from the bright adjacent fibers could affect the RV measurement. The spectra polluted by their bright neighbor usually have obvious irregular features, such as abnormal continuum, large residual of the telluric bands, or wrong spectral lines. One can use the ratio of the flux to the stronger neighbour (fratio, fratio_b, fratio_r in table sexprv) to see if the fiber is possibly affected.
Second, early type stars which have strong Balmer emission lines may have bad RV measurement since hot stars are lack of other absorption lines. If the emission component is detected only in Hα, other Balmer absorption lines could also be polluted even if no emission component is detectable. Then the RV measurement could be biased.
Third, the RV may be wrong due to the strong sky background if the exposures are taken in the condition that is not good for astronomical observation, e.g. in nearly full moon nights, too close to the Moon, or beyond astronomical twilight. Information about the observation, including the position of the Sun, the Moon as well as the Moon phase, can be browsed here.



If these data are used in your published papers, please cite Zhong-Rui Bai et al 2021 Res. Astron. Astrophys. 21 249